We’ve teamed up with our friends at The Pragmatic Studio to give you the chance to win any one of their courses. That’s a prize for one Devtalk winner worth up to $200 every month in 2024!
When developers want to truly master a language or framework, they turn to The Pragmatic Studio. In their professional-grade video courses you learn how to build real apps with real code. By doing so, you come away with deep tactical knowledge and the confidence to strategically put everything together. Mike and Nicole's current courses include Elixir, Phoenix LiveView, Ruby, Rails 6, GraphQL, and others.
Every month, we will pick a random 6-digit Lucky Number which is displayed on our competition page for all to see. To enter the competition, all you have to do is log in via your Devtalk account and receive your weekly entry which is a randomly-generated entry number.
You can obtain a new entry number each week. At the end of the month, if any of your numbers turns out to be closest to that month's Lucky Number, you win!
So far this month, there have been 65 entries in the competition.
To make things more exciting, every now and then, we will announce special bonus days. These are days when you will be able to obtain a bonus entry into the competition. Some of these bonus entries will have a condition, such as first needing to make a post on the forum, or following or mentioning us (or The Pragmatic Studio!) on social media. As long as you have met the criteria, you can get your bonus entry. Bonus days will be announced on the forum so be sure to regularly log in!
Can’t wait for deeply technical and immersive training that’s proven to boast your coding confidence? Use your Devtalk discount to save 20% today with coupon code "devtalk.com"!
Find out more about the prizes by visiting: